Who’s who

European English Aglow Team

Sharmila Geldermans-Peter

Sharmila Geldermans-Peter


Sharmila is a gentle woman of pure and effective prayer, heartfelt worship and vital, enduring service. She has a remarkable “With the Lord I can!” approach to all she puts her hand to – a true woman of faith.

Raised in a Roman Catholic family in her native Sri Lanka, Sharmila was introduced to a Catholic charismatic prayer group as a teenager. This was a turning point for her personal faith as she experienced the renewal of a Spirit-filled walk with the Lord. After marrying her Dutch husband, Martin, in Sri Lanka, she relocated with him to the Netherlands.

Arriving in The Netherlands she discovered an English-speaking Aglow group in her neighborhood. Aglow became a spiritual home, connecting her with women from different denominations and national backgrounds, either living in or passing through Europe. Sharmila’s vision is to call forth, equip and prepare the Bride of Christ in the ministry of Aglow.

Sharmila lives in the Dutch city of Leidschendam with her husband Martin and their three children. She is a member of the Glorious Global Church of Prophet Jerome Fernando Ministries.